NROTC Welcome Lunch

Exclusive welcome event for NROTC Scholarship Freshmen, MECEP, and STA-21 admits and their families *This event is by invitation only. Invites will be mailed following the release of UCLA Admission decisions. RSVP is required. Please scroll down for additional UCLA Bruin Day events that are open to all freshmen admits and their families.    Schedule […]

UCLA Memorial Day Ceremony

UCLA, Wilson Plaza

This is a free event open to the UCLA Community and the general public.  Visitor parking is available in structures 4 and 7 for $3 per hour. RSVP is not required.

Memorial Day Flag-Pickup

Los Angeles National Cemetery 950 S. Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

Join the UCLA Veteran Resource Center and UCLA ROTC units as we support the Los Angeles National Cemetery in picking up the 90,000+ flags that mark the grave site of our nations service members.  This event is free and open to the public.   For more information: RSVP requested but not required (will help […]

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