Operation Valentine

Write a card for veterans at the Veterans Home of Los Angeles. 

Blood Donation Competition

Our battalion is challenging UCLA Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC to inspire the most number of people to donate blood! When you sign up to donate blood at the UCLA Blood and Platelet Center this month, remember to write down which organization your pint represents!

Winter Commissioning

Some 1/C Midshipmen will be commissioning as Ensigns and 2nd Lieutenants in the Navy and Marine Corps after winter quarter.---Date is TBD---

Bruin Bound

The NROTC Bruin Battalion welcomes the Class of 2024! We can't wait to meet all of you in the fall. The CO will be sending out a special message to all incoming Freshmen in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned!Freshmen admits – please check your emails for your Canvas Instruction invitation to the exclusive NROTC Bruin Bound experience!

Bruin Bound

The NROTC Bruin Battalion welcomes the Class of 2024! We can't wait to meet all of you in the fall. The CO will be sending out a special message to all incoming Freshmen in the weeks ahead. Stay tuned! Freshmen admits – please check your emails for your Canvas Instruction invitation to the exclusive NROTC Bruin Bound […]

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